There are loads of reasons why switching to more natural skincare makes sense.

And moving to natural deodorant is no different. So for the last few weeks I’ve been testing Fussy refillable, natural deodorant. Here’s what I’ve found.

Why natural deodorant

There’s more to what you put on your armpits than you might think. So before I made the switch, I did a bit of research about the science behind natural deodorant.

Firstly, anti-perspirant and deodorant are not the same thing. Anti-perspirants contain aluminium, to block your skin’s pores and prevent you from sweating. Deodorant, on the other hand (or armpit), is designed to reduce body odour and keep you feeling and smelling fresh.

Fussy is a deodorant, rather than an anti-perspirant, so it won’t stop you from sweating. Fussy deodorants are designed to work with your body’s natural balance. As this blog explains, it’s not your sweat that smells bad, it’s the bacteria which feeds on your sweat molecules. Fussy helps to support good bacteria, which keeps the smelly bad bacteria under control.

Some people prefer not to use aluminium on their skin because of health concerns. There is no clear evidence of risks associated with aluminium. However, the idea of allowing my body to find its own balance, rather than blocking my skin’s natural processes seems to make sense.

The good news

There are lots of things I love about Fussy. It’s refillable, so cuts down on single use plastic. The case is made from recycled plastic and should last a lifetime, and refills are plastic free and compostable.

Fussy is a B-Corp business, and the products are vegan and cruelty free. So its ethical and sustainability credentials are top notch.

I love the light scents and there are several to choose from, including a scent free version. The deodorant is lovely to use, and doesn’t leave stains or white marks on my clothes.

The not so good news

I was ready for it to take a few weeks for my body to adjust to natural deodorant. The Fussy website provides some great tips and advice on how to reduce this by prepping your armpits. For example, a deep cleansing charcoal cleansing mask can help draw out the nasty toxins which have been blocked inside by your anti-perspirant. In the meantime, there might be a few smelly days. But after all, a bit of sweat is natural.

However, after six weeks of perseverance, it doesn’t seem to be getting better. I don’t feel as though my body is finding the balance needed to prevent body odour. So reluctantly I have to accept that Fussy might not be the natural deodorant for me.

Final thoughts

We are all different, with different body chemistry. And as a menopausal woman, this isn’t the solution for me right now. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t work for you! So if you’re thinking of switching to natural deodorant, give Fussy a try.

I’ll be testing some other natural deodorants in the next few months so check back to find out my verdict.

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I’m Antoinette and the CEO of Just Helpers Cleaning Agency. I’m passionate about social justice and empowering people to find their joy, work from a place of strength and positively impact the world around them. When not trying to save the world 😉 I love cooking up a storm in my kitchen and eating and chatting around a table with friends. Find me at

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