This September, more than ever, feels like a time for getting down to business.
Whether you have school-age children, or your school days are a distant memory, September always has that “new pencil case” feeling. But after 18 months of COVID chaos, and the changes in routine that summer always brings, now is the time for a fresh start, and new focus, and for getting down to business.
Chances are you have been working from home during the last year, and you may be adapting to getting back to the workplace this September. Seeing colleagues face to face is a welcome change, but also means restarting some not so welcome daily tasks.
Laundering and ironing shirts and work wear, cleaning and polishing shoes, and planning, shopping and preparing for workday lunches are back on your to-do list.
Plus, your commute has suddenly taken back a chunk of time. Your work day feels longer, and you have even less time for you.
Getting down to socialising
This September will hopefully see a return to favourite leisure activities. Sports clubs, bars and restaurants, and theatres are opening, and you are probably already seeing your diary fill up with all the social events and family celebrations which have been postponed over the last 18 months.
September is often a chance to enjoy the last of the summer, with lighter, warmer evenings. It’s a chance to grab a game of tennis, or a round of golf, or after-work drinks outside.
It’s about making the most of every moment of your time.
Staying focused
Before getting caught up in all these new demands, September is also a great time to take stock of your “why” .
Whether you work for a large corporation, or you have your own business, you are probably very clear on why you do, what you do, at work.
Here at Liberty, our investment in our people is central to our “why”. We are proud that all of our team receive the London Living Wage as well as holiday pay and sickness pay, and we believe it is what makes our service special.
But are you equally clear about your Why in the rest of your life?
Your Wellbeing
One of the unexpected pleasures of lockdown, as normal life and its business was suspended, was a chance to rediscover things we love to do. Maybe you reconnected with reading, or music, or working on your fitness.
Perhaps lockdown reminded you of how much you value time spent with friends and family, or perhaps you really missed the exhilaration of big collective experiences such as gigs, concerts or sports events.
Keeping focused on your Why is a great way to maintain and improve your wellbeing. It helps you to ensure you are prioritising those aspects of your life which make you feel happy, healthy and fulfilled.
This article from Tony Robbins has some helpful pointers on how to reconnect with your why.
But we understand, this is more easily said than done.
Liberty Can Help
In your work, you may often need to delegate tasks to give yourself the space to focus on your priorities – the “Why” of your business.
By bringing Liberty Housekeeping Services into your home, you are giving yourself the time and space for the things that really matter to you.
We offer a range of flexible options to suit your individual requirements and our professional, handpicked team will listen to you, understand and anticipate your needs.
Visit our website to find out more about how Liberty can help you stay focused on your Why while you’re getting down to business this September.
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