Contact us today for a free quotation: 020 3995 4810

7 Questions to Ask When You’re Hiring a Cleaner

So you’re hiring a cleaner. How can you tell if they are right for the job?

Here at Just Helpers we are cleaning experts. Here are seven questions we ask when we are interviewing for our Helpers. 

1. Tell me about something you are proud of in your life

This is a great way to start your interview. It often gets candidates talking about their family, their interests, and what they do in their spare time. You start to find out something about them.

2. What are the top 3 cleaning products you would recommend?

With this question you’ll find out what’s important to your candidate when it comes to cleaning, and whether those priorities fit your needs. Are their favourite products eco-friendly, or very strong, or pleasant to use? 

3. What order would you clean my bathroom in and why?

This is a great test of cleaning expertise. An experienced cleaner will know how to clean your bathroom efficiently and effectively, and leave it sparkling clean.

4. What is your system for avoiding cross-contamination?

Again, this question is all about cleaning expertise. If you will be providing cleaning materials yourself, how would your candidate keep materials and equipment they use in the kitchen, separate from those that they use in the bathroom, for example? If they will be bringing equipment with them, will they use fresh sets of cloths for each household? 

5. What are you top 5 favourite cleaning tasks in order of preference?

This is  good way to find out whether your candidate actually enjoys cleaning! If your cleaner enjoys and takes pride in their work, it will shine through in their answers here (and in your beautifully clean home).

6. What task do you least like to do?

If your candidate hates ironing, but you know this will be a big part of their work, that might be a problem.  How do they keep motivated with the tasks they don’t enjoy?

7. What insurance do you have and what does it cover?

This is a really important question. Put simply, you need to know that your cleaner is insured if they hurt themselves, hurt someone else, or damage something while they are cleaning for you. 

More tips

Even after you have selected a cleaner, it’s a great idea to agree a trial period initially. This gives you chance to see whether your chosen cleaner is a good fit for you and your home, and to see their work in action.  

Our Helpers are more than just cleaning experts, and we ask all of this and more as part of our rigorous selection process. 

If you want to take the hassle our of hiring a cleaner, Why not let us find you a Helper?  Click the button below to get in touch with our team. 

Worried about getting your business COVID Secure?

As your team returns to the workplace,  you might be feeling anxious about how to keep everyone safe and minimise the risk of spreading the virus. Here are some simple steps which you can take to be COVID-secure.


Assess the Risk

Start by identifying the risks in your business and then look at how these can be removed or controlled.


Talk to your team

Many people will be looking forward to getting back to work, but others will be anxious. You can help by explaining the steps which you are taking to work safely. It’s a great idea to ask your team members for ideas and suggestions too. Look after your team’s mental wellbeing with regular check-ins.


Take it online

With a little creativity, you might be surprised by how much of your business you can take online. At Just Helpers we now conduct our sales visits online with a virtual site tour. Our clients love taking the starring role!


Vary your work-day

Varying the time that people arrive and leave your workplace makes it easier for people to maintain social distancing.

This is also a great opportunity to introduce more flexible working for your team. Your early-rising “Larks” will appreciate the chance to make the most of their morning with an earlier start, whilst your later-rising “Owls” will thank you for a little longer in bed.

Staggering times for breaks and lunchtimes will also reduce the number of people in the canteen, kitchen or rest areas. Take advantage of the good weather and encourage your team to take breaks outside.


Hygiene Stations

Provide hand washing facilities for your team. This is especially important when people arrive at work and before they leave, and outside enclosed meeting rooms. Sanitising hand gel is a good alternative if hand-washing isn’t possible. You could also consider providing disposable face masks.


Clear Signage

Make sure that social distancing is at the forefront of everyone’s mind with clear signs throughout the workplace. Think about:

  • Door signs to remind your team and any visitors as they arrive
  • Floor signs to encourage distancing as people move around
  • Hand washing reminders.


Social Distancing

There are simple steps we can take to help maintain social distancing at work.

  • Work side by side rather than face to face
  • Remove chairs and space desks 2 metres apart
  • Provide shields at tills and customer service desks where face to face contact is unavoidable
  • Limit movement around the workplace, and sharing of equipment.

There are some really useful  signage and other equipment from Bromley Printers, here:



Feel confident that your workplace is hygienic – hire a great cleaning team. At Just Helpers we can do a one-off “back to work” clean, or provide you with regular service to keep the spread of bacteria at bay. All of our Helpers have undertaken a CPD verified infection control qualification.

Take a look at our COVID response to see the measures we have taken to keep our Helpers, Clients and Managers safe at this time.

Get in touch if we can help you make your workplace COVID Secure.

How to Clean Your Windows so they Sparkle

Do you want streak-free, sparkling clean windows?  Read our tips for getting the perfect shine.

Choose your moment

The first rays of spring sunshine might motivate you to clean your windows, but it’s better to save it for a dull day. Too much sun can dry your glass too quickly, causing those dreaded streaks!


Before you start to clean your windows, take any ornaments or plants from the window sill.  Vacuum the window sills and frames to remove any dust or loose dirt.

If you’re carrying out an annual, deep clean, you might want to take down the curtains or blinds for cleaning too. If not, make sure your curtains are well out of the way so they don’t get splashed with water.

You will need:

There are lots of glass-cleaning products around, but often simple is best.   Washing-up liquid and warm water gets great results. In a recent test, Real Homes found our favourite Ecover washing up liquid to be best – it’s simple ingredients mean less residue, and less streaks.

If you prefer to use a spray, try mixing 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with water and using this to refill an empty spray bottle. It’s chemical free, natural and anti-bacterial. Don’t use this on painted frames or surfaces though as it can stain.

Professional window cleaners often use a squeegee to remove most of the water from the glass before drying the window. However, take care – you will need a towel handy to mop up the water or you can end up with puddles on the floor.

We recommend microfibre cloths, as they are great for drying glass without leaving streaks.  If you don’t have enough microfibre cloths, use the old-fashioned method and dry your windows with crumpled newspaper – it works a treat!

Top Tips

  • Dry your windows quickly after washing
  • Use downward strokes, not circles, to avoid streaks
  • Don’t use kitchen towels – they can break up leaving unsightly bits on the glass
  • Don’t try to clean exterior windows from a ladder – leave it to the professionals!


Getting the most from your dishwasher

Many of us have a dishwasher in our kitchen – but do we use them effectively? Here are our top dishwasher tips for getting the best from yours.


What do those buttons do?

Lots of dishwashers have fancy features that we never use! But they are worth investigating as they could save you money and time. Here’s a few you might have:

  • Eco – this setting uses less energy and water so it’s good for the environment and your pocket. Which estimate that using an eco program could save £300 over a year!
  • Pre-wash – this program rinses your dishes, so it’s useful if you don’t want to run a full wash every day.
  • Timer – set your dishwasher to finish as you get home from work, or to run overnight.
  • Delicate – A gentle wash for fine crockery or glasses.
  • Adjustable racks – If you can’t fit your new plates in the dishwasher, don’t panic! Check to see if you can adjust the height of the top rack to make more space.


Load it up!

The key to clean dishes is to make sure the water can get to all the surfaces. This sounds obvious, but if you overload your dishwasher, you might find some items aren’t cleaned.

  • Make sure dirty surfaces face inwards, towards the water jets.
  • Avoid placing big items (baking trays or platters) close to the centre, where they will block jets from reaching everything else. Put them at the sides.
  • Some items such as plastic cups or delicate glasses should only be placed on the top rack, where the wash is gentler and the temperature lower.


Not just for dishes

Your dishwasher can clean lots of items around the home as long as they are dishwasher-safe! Try these:

  • Plastic toys – place them on the top rack and put small items in the cutlery basket.
  • Make-up brushes – always benefit from a good clean to get rid of excess product and bacteria.
  • Keys – these harbour a surprising level of germs!
  • Dishcloths and sponges – pop them in the top rack to freshen them up.
  • Flip-flops! We’ve heard you can clean these really well in the top rack though you might prefer to do this separately from your dishes.

Remember it’s always a great idea to check the user guide for your dishwasher. Many are available online too.


Do you have any dishwasher tips? We would love to hear them!

How to Organise your Wardrobe

When your clothes are bursting out of your wardrobe but you can’t find anything to wear, it’s time to get organised! Here are my top tips for streamlined clothes storage.

Make a plan
What are you going to do with clothes and accessories you no longer need? You’ll feel happier letting things go if you know they’ll have a good home.

Try these:

  • Get friends together for swapping session. Find out how, here:
  • Make money on eBay. Here are some tips for selling success, from Money Saving Expert. This is especially good for those impulse sale purchases that still have the tags attached.
  • Donate clean, good quality items to your local charity shop.
  • Try “Shwopping” with M&S and you could receive Sparks points!

A little at a time

It’s tempting to start by dragging everything out. However, this can be overwhelming. Plus, if you run out of time, you’ll be left with an even bigger mess!

Start with one area of your wardrobe, such as drawers, shoes, or bags.

A Clean Start

Take out all the items in the area you are tackling. Begin by vacuuming. Wipe out drawers and dry thoroughly.  Polish mirrors and doors.

Dressing Up

Try things on. If something doesn’t fit, lay it to one side. Don’t dismiss items you think you don’t like. You might rediscover a gem! And don’t forget to try on shoes – our feet change shape with time, so those heels you’re saving for a special occasion might pinch now.

Make Do and Mend

Most people have things in their wardrobe that they are not wearing because of a broken zip, or a missing button. Separate these to take to the menders.

Thanks for the Memories

A special outfit might hold precious memories, but if it’s something you no longer wear, it becomes clutter. Try taking photos of these items instead.

Beautifully Organised

Now you can start to put things back in a more organised way.

  • Store out of season clothes in a box under your bed.
  • Maximise your storage. Could you add some drawers under your hanging rail? Or a shoe-rack? Boxes are perfect for belts and bags – treat yourself to a matching set.
  • Try hanging up bags and scarves. Add adhesive hooks to the back of doors.
  • Invest in good quality coat-hangers to keep your clothes in shape.

Regular Reviews

Reverse all your coat-hangers. Then, as you hang something after wearing it, put the hanger the right way round. After a few months you’ll be able to see which items haven’t made it out of the wardrobe. Do you still need them?

How to Clean Your Fridge with Antoinette

Cleaning the fridge is one of those tasks that’s easy to overlook. But a clean fridge helps to keep your food fresher for longer, and stops the spread of potentially harmful bacteria.

Just Helpers Founder Antoinette shares her top tips on how to clean your fridge with minimum fuss.

When to Clean Your Fridge

It’s a good idea to clean your fridge at most every 3 months. Of course, if something spills in the fridge it’s best to wipe it up straight away. This is especially important for milk, which will smell bad if it isn’t cleaned up quickly. Wiping up sticky spills as they happen will also make it easier to clean your fridge.

To clean your fridge thoroughly, you need to empty it first. So, it makes sense to clean your fridge before you go to the supermarket or before your delivery arrives. That way, you will have less food to store whilst you clean.

Before you Start to Clean Your Fridge

Now is the time to have a good sort through the contents of your fridge.

  • Throw away any food which is out of date or inedible – don’t forget those half jars of chutney left over from Christmas!
  • Empty your vegetable drawers and salad crisper.
  • Take everything out of the door racks – get rid of flat fizzy drinks or the dregs in wine bottles.
  • Put perishable food (especially meat, fish and dairy products) into a cool bag or box with frozen chill packs to keep them fresh while you clean.
  • Finally, check the manufacturer’s instructions for your fridge for any special precautions.

How to Clean Your Fridge – Step by Step

  1. If possible, pull out your fridge. Vacuum around, underneath and behind it, and wash the floor.
  2.  Remove the drawers, crisper and shelves.  Leave them on the kitchen counter to come up to room temperature before washing. This is especially important for glass shelves which can shatter with a sudden change in temperature.
  3. Wipe all the surfaces inside the fridge including the door. Avoid using bleach or strong-smelling cleaning products which can taint the food. A solution of bicarbonate of soda, vinegar or Milton is ideal. Bicarbonate of soda is also great for neutralising odours if a spill has gone unnoticed and resulted in a nasty niff!  Cotton buds are great for cleaning fiddly corners. Dry thoroughly with a clean tea towel.
  4. If you notice a pool of water at the bottom of  your fridge, it’s likely that your drip-hole is blocked. Find this at the back of the fridge – a cocktail stick is useful to clean it.
  5. Wash the shelves, drawers and crisper in hot soapy water (washing up liquid is perfect). Remember to remove the plastic guard strips from each of the shelves. These often need a good soak and a scrubbing brush to get to the bottom of the narrow crevices. Don’t be tempted to pop them in the dishwasher either  – it’s too hot. I also find that it leaves watermarks on the  plastic components.  Dry thoroughly before putting them back in the fridge.
  6. Don’t forget the outside of the fridge. A micro-fibre cloth is great for getting a streak-free finish. Use a vacuum to clean crumbs and debris from the door seal and wipe with your bicarbonate of soda solution. Dry thoroughly.
  7. Now you’re done! Let your fridge get back to the correct temperature before re-filling it (a fridge thermometer is useful for this).

Keeping your Fridge Clean

Now that your fridge is fresh and clean, you’ll want to keep it that way! Try these tips for fridge organisation.

  • Wipe the outside and bottom of jars and bottles before you put them back in the fridge.
  • Try to put everything back in an organised way so you can find things.
  • Try to put food which needs to be used first closest to the front.
  • Consider using labelled baskets or trays to keep similar foods together (cheese, yoghurts, jams etc)
  • Organise your vegetable drawers, with tender products such as salad leaves separate from heavier, more robust veg such as carrots or sweet potatoes. This will stop them getting crushed and spoiled.
  • Label your left-overs and plan when you will use them, or freeze them so they last longer.
  • Write the date on jars or bottles when you open them – that way you can be sure to use them up while they are still fresh, and avoid waste.
  • When you do your big shop, get into the habit of checking and pruning current items before adding more stuff in. Take this opportunity to give shelves and doors a quick wipe too.

How to Clean Silver by Antoinette

There’s something very satisfying about sitting down to clean silver.

If you are lucky enough to have inherited a silver cream jug from Granny, or if you have silver jewellery, you’ll know that it can become tarnished very quickly.

But there’s nothing like bringing something dull and dirty-looking to a bright, shiny polish. Here are our tips on how to clean silver.

Before you begin to clean silver items

First of all, ask yourself whether the object actually needs cleaning. Sometimes a bit of tarnish is part of the design, to give it more character.  If you remove all of the tarnish you might spoil the appearance. You might not be able to see the details on engravings, for example, if you clean all the tarnish away.

Here are our Top Tips for Cleaning Silver

Wash it away

A simple solution of washing up liquid, or laundry detergent, can be enough to clean silver.  Wash the surface of the item carefully, then rinse and dry.

Rub it away

You can clean silver by rubbing the tarnish away using something mildly abrasive. Make a paste with cornstarch and water. Rub it onto the surface and leave to dry, then rub away with a cloth.  Toothpaste, and baking soda can also produce the same results.

Dissolve it away

Many people swear by tomato ketchup to clean silver. Squirt a small amount onto a piece of kitchen towel and gently rub over the surface. For more stubborn tarnish, leave the ketchup to work for a few minutes before wiping it away, then rinse in clean water and dry.  It is the vinegar in the ketchup which removes the tarnish. Lemon juice works in the same way.

Soak it away

This method uses a chemical reaction between aluminium foil and baking soda to clean silver.  Take an aluminium foil dish, add baking soda and boiling water, then place the silver items in the solution to soak for a few minutes. The tarnish should disappear, without affecting the silver underneath. Read more about how this method works, here:

How to Clean Silver Jewellery

If you want to clean silver jewellery, you will need to take special care.

  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to clean delicate fastenings and small areas.
  • Do not clean jewellery over the sink it case you drop it!
  • Put small items into a sieve or an old tea strainer, and clean over a bowl.
  • Be very careful if your jewellery includes gemstones. Pearls can be easily scratched, for example.

How to Maintain Your Clean Silver

Now that you’ve cleaned your silver, you’ll want to keep it looking its best.

  • Silver becomes tarnished by moisture so make sure it is fully dry before storing.
  • Try storing your silver with silica gel bags.
  • Chalk can also help to absorb moisture.
  • Don’t wrap your clean silver items in newspaper; this can cause them to tarnish.
  • Try wrapping items in silver cleaning cloths.
  • Never clean silver items in a dishwasher.
  • Remove silver jewellery before washing your hands or showering so that it doesn’t get clogged with soap or hair conditioner.
  • Always take off rings before applying handcream or other cosmetics.

More Information:
For more great tips on how to clean silver and valuables, try these:

Good Housekeeping
The Victoria and Albert Museum

Cleaning Products Review: Astonish

When it comes to cleaning, our Helpers have high standards. So who better to carry out a cleaning product review?

We asked our Just Helpers team to review Astonish Cleaning Products. Here’s the verdict.

Astonish Cleaning products are “cleaners with a conscience” – so they are perfect for Just Helpers! The products are approved by the Vegan Society . This means they contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Astonish are a UK family business, and part of their mission is to keep their road miles to a minimum. Their laboratories, manufacturing and packaging are all under one roof.

But do the products work? Our Just Helpers team put them to the test in some everyday cleaning tasks. Here’s what they said: 

Astonish Premium Edition Kitchen Cleaner (Citrus Grove)

  • Tested in kitchen (including oven)
  • Has a synthetic lemon smell
  • Quite good at dealing with grease
  • Effectiveness score 4/5

Astonish Premium Edition Multi-Surface Cleaner (Citrus Grove)

  • Tested in kitchen and bathroom
  • A lovely smell
  • Good on grease
  • Effectiveness score 3/5

Astonish Oven and Cookware Cleaner Paste

  • Tested on oven and cookware
  • Smells okay
  • Less effective on old burnt-on grease
  • Effectiveness score 3.5/5

Astonish Ultimate Limescale Remover

  • Tested on bathroom and kitchen sink
  • Smells lovely
  • Effectiveness score 5/5
  • Would definitely recommend – “Highly impressed!”

Astonish Bathroom Cleaner and Floor Cleaner

  • Tested on bathroom and floors
  • Lovely smell – “I’m really please with how Astonish smells”
  • Effectiveness score 5/5 – “strong and very efficient”
  • Definitely recommended – “I’ve already recommended it to a few of our customers”.

Astonish Window & Glass

  • Tested in the kitchen
  • Smell okay
  • Effectiveness score 5/5
  • Recommended

Astonish Mould and Mildew Blaster

  • Tested in the bathroom
  • Smells okay
  • Effectiveness score 4/5
  • Recommended

Overall verdict

We got some great comments about these products from our Just Helpers Team. Everyone agreed that the cleaning products were economical to use. They used about the amount they would expect, to get results.  Most of the team also liked the smell of the products.

Where to find Astonish Cleaning Products

We bought our Astonish products in Dunelm Mill, and Poundland. For more stockists, click here.

How to Clean Your Carpets: with Antoinette

If your carpets are clean and smell fresh, it makes a big difference to your home.

Like many cleaning tasks, prevention is better than cure when it comes to carpets.

Regular Cleaning

Vacuuming your carpets regularly helps to keep them clean. It also reduces allergens such as house dust mites, pollen and pet dander.

Ideally, you should vacuum your carpets twice a week.  Focus on areas where crumbs and dust gather, such as under the dining table or around the sofa.

In high traffic areas such as the hall and stairs, you might want to vacuum more frequently to stop your carpets getting flattened and grimy.

Choosing a Vacuum Cleaner

You can’t beat cordless for convenience. Most cordless vacuum cleaners are lightweight too, so are perfect for the stairs. A cordless vacuum is perfect for a quick whizz around, but the on-board battery can mean you run out of power before you’ve finished the job. Most brands sell spare batteries, which allow you to have one on charge all the time.

A traditional corded vacuum cleaner (very much your Helper’s preference) gives you unlimited cleaning time, and they are often much cheaper to buy than the cordless versions. Look out for a model with a long power cable, especially if you have stairs. Always vacuum with the cleaner at the bottom of the stairs to avoid the risk of it falling onto you.

Make sure your vacuum cleaner has a good range of tools. Upholstery and pet attachments are particularly useful, and a turbo tool can give you an extra boost when you need it.

We remain stalwart supporters of the Miele range. Look out for Miele bargains around the summer sales.

Treating Spills and Stains

Look at any supermarket cleaning aisle and you will see a huge selection of stain removers for carpets. Always make sure you use a product that is suitable for your type of carpet, and do a patch test in an inconspicuous area, just in case.

For dried-in stains, use a sponge to dab the stain towards the centre. Don’t be tempted to rub too hard or you may make the stain bigger! Use a dry white cloth to blot the area, then leave to dry.

Eco Alternatives

Bicarbonate of soda is a great stand-by for dealing with spills or pet accidents.  It quickly neutralises nasty odours. Once you have removed the spillage from the carpet, sprinkle the dry powder over the affected area. Leave for an hour or two, then vacuum.

The Big Clean

Every six to twelve months it is well worth giving your carpets a deep clean by shampooing them. You can hire a machine from many DIY stores. Why not consider splitting the cost by sharing a weekend hire with a neighbour? I recently hired a Rug Doctor machine from my local supermarket. The whole process was surprisingly easy and gave my beige carpets a well-needed lease of life.

When you’re shampooing your carpets remember:

  • Vacuum your carpets thoroughly before you begin
  • Always read the instructions for the machine carefully
  • Check the care instructions for your carpet and do a patch test first
  • Use the correct cleaning solution for the machine
  • Be careful not to make the carpet too wet
  • Open windows when you have finished to let out the moisture, to avoid mildew.

Top Tips for Clean Carpets

  • Choose your carpets carefully. If you are replacing carpets, avoid very pale colours, especially in high traffic areas such as halls and stairs. These colours might look beautiful when they are new, but they will show up every mark!
  • Consider opting for carpets which are stain resistant.
  • If you have young children or pets, this is especially important.
  • Use barrier mats or rugs to protect carpets from muddy paws or food spills.
  • Treat spills and stains immediately if you can – it will make them much easier to remove.
  • Vacuum regularly to keep carpets looking their best.

If you’d prefer to relax and let us look after your carpets for you, contact us here to book your helper or let us arrange a service with one of our tried and trusted carpet cleaning partners.

Useful Links
Big Green Smile offer a range of eco-friendly carpet and floor cleaning products.
More tips here on shampooing, from Vax.

Room by room by Antoinette – Entrance Hall

Room by room by Antoinette – Entrance Hall

The Entrance Hall in your home is often the first space that your guests will see. Taking time to ensure that this room is clean and clutter-free will enable both you and your guests to feel relaxed as soon as you come through the door.

With so many elements making up an Entrance Hall it is often overlooked as it can be tricky.

Here are my top tips on how to achieve the best for your Entrance Hall. It is the window into your home after all.


  • When cleaning your home a common mistake can be doing the hallways last.  If the floors need mopping you need to think this through, as the worst thing is mopping and then having to walk back over your hard work.  Consider doing the downstairs hallway before you go upstairs or vice versa depending on what order you have cleaned the rest of your house.  This gives your floors time to dry.
  • Vacuuming rugs and moving them out of the way is essential for a thorough clean.  Expensive and delicate rugs should be vacuumed carefully and then placed safely somewhere to air.
  • Bookshelves are often housed in hallways and can give a lovely aesthetic to this space. This feature is often neglected and can get very dusty. By using a  Feather Duster you can easily eliminate the dust. The much maligned feather duster is great for getting to the tops of books and into the edges of the bookshelf. I highly recommend an annual prune and spring clean where all the books come completely off of the shelves to prevent any stubborn marking on your selves.
  • Every home has it! The ‘Tidy Disaster Zone’. You know that drop zone by the front door. Shoes, scarves, jackets, scooters, shopping bags, Abel and Cole boxes… and anything else that randomly gets dumped there. Is it time to throw away the broken umbrella that’s been lurking there for 3 years? YES!
  • Entrance Halls are also notorious for cobwebs. Staircases are often the highest ceilings of the house, so by using a Telescopic-Static-Duster, you can dust high-level cobwebs with ease.
  • Light fittings and their bulbs show dust off when illuminated. So take time to dust light fittings and chandeliers.  If you do have chandeliers in your home be very careful when dismantling.  Allow an hour for this task and take a photo before you start from all angles! They are like a jigsaw puzzle, you do not want to be left with a random piece once you have carefully reassembled it.
  • Carefully dust tops of pictures. Be careful of precious artwork. I find an old-fashioned feather duster comes in handy here.
  • Polish mirrors using a special glass microfibre cloth for a sparkly, streak-free finish.
  • Dust Dado Rails and Skirting Boards.
  • Dust tops of light switches, then anti-bac wipe and polish them for a hygienic and sparkling finish.
  • Dust tops of plug sockets, anti-bac wipe and polish them to ensure no dirt accumulates.
  • Dust between the balusters (I bet you didn’t know that term!) for us common folk, they are the spindles or banister supports on your staircase.  If they are really dirty, use the damp cloth to give them all a thorough clean.
  • Hard to reach windows can be difficult and potentially dangerous to clean effectively. You may need specialist window cleaners. Please feel free to contact us for our recommended window cleaning partners should you require this service.
  • Vacuum the whole area including the stairs.  Don’t forget to do edges first with the corner nozzle attachment and then use the large attachments for each step. Ensure that you adjust for the correct floor setting for carpet, hardwood or other surfaces to do the landing areas.
  • Mop, make sure you always mop your way towards the next room you will clean.


Now you can fling open your front door with pride and let your Entrance Hall welcome guests in.  Think how proud (and shame free ;-)) you will feel the next time friends and family visit. Until next time. Happy Cleaning! Antoinette.

Need a hand cleaning your home?

Life in London is demanding and time is at a premium. Get some sparkle back into your life and home with one of our domestic cleaning packages.

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We provide a regular cleaning service for offices and commercial premises in the Greater London area, helping you maintain a professional, healthy and productive work and business environment.

We’d love to chat with you, see your space and walk you through our process.

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